

Product information (Updated at )

WrittenLabs is an innovative AI-powered content generation platform designed to help users create high-quality articles quickly and efficiently. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, WrittenLabs stands out as a powerful tool for content creators, marketers, and SEO professionals.

The platform offers a bulk generation feature that allows users to produce hundreds of articles with just a few clicks. This is particularly useful for businesses and individuals who need to generate a large volume of content in a short amount of time. The advanced configuration options ensure that the output meets the specific needs of the user, while the simple keyword import and background article generation streamline the content creation process.

For those looking to outrank their SERP competitors, WrittenLabs provides a competitive edge by scraping the top 10 SERP results. It analyzes headings, URLs, and keywords on competitors' pages, including 'People also ask' questions and related search queries. This insight allows users to create content that is not only relevant but also optimized to perform better in search engine rankings.

Editing content is a breeze with WrittenLabs' powerful document editor, which offers a Notion-like experience. Users can export their content to HTML, Markdown, or text, and even publish directly to CMS platforms like WordPress and Ghost from within the editor. The promise of AI suggestions for content improvement indicates that the platform is poised to enhance the writing process further.

The bulk publishing feature is a game-changer for those who manage multiple articles. With support for WordPress and Ghost, users can publish all documents in bulk with a single click, saving time and effort. The platform's ability to handle unlimited CMS integrations and publish articles in the background further adds to its efficiency.

While the markdown content does not explicitly mention any deals or discounts, the pricing structure is clear and offers solutions for different levels of need, from free plans for individuals just starting with AI to professional and unlimited plans for more demanding users.

The platform does not provide information on an affiliate program or API availability within the provided content. Therefore, it is not possible to comment on the structure of an affiliate program, commission rates, or API endpoints and rate limits.

WrittenLabs supports web-based platforms, as indicated by the links to sign in and get started, which point to a web application. There is no mention of support for iOS, Android, Windows, or macOS platforms.

As for integrations, the platform supports CMS integrations with WordPress and Ghost, with more integrations promised to come soon. This allows for seamless content management and publishing, catering to the needs of content creators who utilize these popular CMS platforms.

In summary, WrittenLabs is a comprehensive tool for AI workflows and content generation, offering a range of features that cater to the needs of modern content creators and marketers looking to scale their content production and outperform competitors in SERP rankings.

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Bulk Article Generation

Generate hundreds of articles in a few clicks with advanced configuration options.

SERP Competitor Analysis

Scrape top 10 SERP results and analyze competitors' content to improve your own SEO.

Powerful Document Editor

Edit content with a Notion-like experience and publish directly to CMS.

Bulk CMS Publishing

Publish all documents in bulk with a single click to WordPress and Ghost.


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Free plan : EUR 0.00

For individuals getting started with AI and content generation, including 3 SERP credits, 30 Scraping credits, 1 project, 1 CMS integration, and BYOK options.

Professional plan : EUR 19.00

For professionals and small teams, offering 100 SERP credits, 1000 Scraping credits, 20 projects, 5 CMS integrations, and BYOK options.

Unlimited plan : EUR 49.00

For agencies needing unlimited content generation with AI, providing 300 SERP credits, 3000 Scraping credits, unlimited projects, and CMS integrations.


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